Hey guys, it's Sean. Today I have some good news. Filming is a go for 10am Sunday. We had to go earlier for Rhys. Sean has a new job and works 4-10 Monday-Thursday. Jackson has practice all day but Sunday. We are now all set to get this rolling. I feel much better and can now begin catching up on work. After this, we go into editing and the website. I would have loved to start but I could not even stand up without feeling sick. I don't want to get my hopes up as it has already changed so much that I can not be certain. I have hopes Sean and Jackson both make it and wake up. If we do not film this weekend I have no clue when else we could. I have an ACCUPLACER exam SAT and a culinary exam coming up. The next few weeks are very busy for everyone. But after Sunday a huge weight is taken off our backs. Besides this, we are as good as done. I'm ready to kiss the filming behind us as getting together always proves to be hard. Then we just have the essays to prep for...