Filming the inside scenes

 Hey guys, it's sean. Today we kicked off filming at Jacksons' house. Due to sudden plans, we decided today to only film inside. Next time then we can focus on the car and park scenes. We will continue again on the following Saturday. Rhys was great without him filming would have been terrible. Now over 1/4 of all the scenes are done and we don't need to take over Jackson's house all day. Everything worked out with the costumes and props. Small change is Sean is the antagonist. Rhys is the main character. Jackson is the officer, and I am the filmer. Now in the next week, the focus is on the small media package. I will take you guys on the path of designing a website. Jackson is dealing with the Instagram over on his blogger. March 15th is a bit over 3 weeks away so we can just grind it out now and begin studying for essays. Originally we wanted to be done this weekend but Rhys is unavailable tomorrow. In the meantime, another group has asked me for help. Helping out a group that has gone through the same struggles I did last year shows how this class comes full circle. I understand what it is like when an actor cancels. I have a busy week ahead of me with all that but until next time!


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