Scene reflection

     Hey guys, it's sean again. Last night laying in bed all I could think about was if our scenes could be better. I sat there for a good hour looking back at each scene and next time we meet I will run the ideas by the group. But one thing I would like to film as well is some transition shots to add along so while we edit it looks more fluid. Nothing is set yet but we have one more day to film to make changes. I overlooked the scenes indoors and I do not see a need to reshoot them but I must ask the group. My mom also comes back tomorrow so I may have more responsibilities than I had this weekend but while laying down I thought all that. As much as I missed out on going offroading with Sean. Or seeing Travis Scott in spring training in Palm Beach with Jackson. Reflection is needed to ensure quality. I want to pump this out and finish the media package but I am only one person. In other news, Rhys is available next Saturday so as long as that happens we have 2 weeks to edit. Ample time for that is needed as a rush job looks sloppy. A level is a whole other game above AS and we need to manage our time better. I'm not a parent but at some point, Jackson and Sean must stay home and work. This all will be done before spring break so at that time we can relax and have fun in the South. But for the next 3-4 weeks this should be the main focus. I still have to figure out what I'll do tomorrow relating to this task but that's tomorrow's problem. There is still a mountain of work to finish but Sunday is a mellow day. Until next time, bye guys!


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