

 1. How do your products represent social groups or issues? Our product is based on a fiction thriller that does not solely represent a social group. However, our products do highlight some issues in the modern day. Starting off with our main protagonist he called the police for help. Yet at the beginning, they were of no use. This can highlight issues in trusting people to ask for help all for it to fall flat and be for nothing. Our film can also highlight the dangers or walking alone. Nowadays, being alone puts you in a vulnerable position and many self-defense tools have been made in turn. Our Social Media page, postcard, and website all show the journey and advertise our film, bringing awareness to present issues such as violence and crime as well as privacy and surveillance. Our products show off Rhys a man going on a run with a lack of understanding of his surroundings and it ends up causing more trouble for him than he thought. By basing our products on these issues it allow...

Short Film Package


The Websites development!

  Hey guys it's Sean. Today I am proud to say that our website is underway! This has taken up the past 48 hours of my life and I actually feel proud of it. I've never made a website but this class is all about learning new things. I've made a variety of tabs to show our film. We have our meet the cast showing everyone involved. We have the About section giving a synopsis of the film. The release info shows off our showing schedule along with where you can watch it. Our contact page is where we can be contacted for inquiries and questions. And our news & more page shows awards and film festivals we have been a part of. All that is left is the postcard! The Instagram page is posting and creating a presence. And our editing is in its final edits and title placement. Sean and Jackson could not have done a better job. This is one of the last AICE classes I'll be taking being my last year at this school. We are at the point where everything is coming up nicely. It happens...

Film en scene!

      Hey guys, it's sean. Today I am happy to report filming is over! Everything has been sent over to Sean now and editing is underway. I can feel the weight lifted off my back knowing this is done and our website and social media are underway. Expect a blog on those coming soon. The postage card will have to wait as the day we all have dreaded is in 2 days. My school is taking the SAT that day and I want to finish this all prior to that. But the note card can wait until after as it seems straightforward. The project is now in its final stages and we all are doing our part. Editing is on Sean. Jackson runs the Instagram page. But the website is my task. I have no experience in building one but Wix does simplify it. It allows you to use templates and AI to design the perfect site for businesses to blogs. I guarantee I will be working Friday till 11.59 but I'm okay with that. This class isn't supposed to be a walk in the park. It should show 2 years of work which is why p...


      Hey guys, it's Sean. Today I have some good news. Filming is a go for 10am Sunday. We had to go earlier for Rhys. Sean has a new job and works 4-10 Monday-Thursday.  Jackson has practice all day but Sunday. We are now all set to get this rolling. I feel much better and can now begin catching up on work. After this, we go into editing and the website. I would have loved to start but I could not even stand up without feeling sick. I don't want to get my hopes up as it has already changed so much that I can not be certain. I have hopes Sean and Jackson both make it and wake up. If we do not film this weekend I have no clue when else we could. I have an ACCUPLACER exam SAT and a culinary exam coming up. The next few weeks are very busy for everyone. But after Sunday a huge weight is taken off our backs. Besides this, we are as good as done. I'm ready to kiss the filming behind us as getting together always proves to be hard. Then we just have the essays to prep for...

What's next?

 Hey guys, it's Sean. On a good note today I am feeling much better and I will be filming. It is set for 1pm on Sunday which fits us all. I am still out of school until Monday but now I can start to get work done. At this point, it is our last chance to film. It may take 4 hours but it's now or never. Rhys is available and so is Jackson. He has a funeral on Saturday which is emotional but we must work the next day. Sadly I did give my mom the flu as well. She now cannot work and has the same pains I had so I must take care of her now. All I will work on now is the scene order so Sean can edit. This will give him right under 2 weeks which is more than enough to edit and see what needs a change. As someone who edited last year, I know the struggle of how long it takes. Editing is one of the biggest jobs in filmmaking. Splicing it all together perfectly is needed to make it quality. But now Jackson and I must do the media package. The website and advert are my job. While Jackson i...

More Interruptions

     Hey guys, it's Sean. So some small issues came to be today. Today is a late-night blog as I just got released from the hospital. So turns out I don't have the flu. The bad news is they do not know what I have. My fever hit 104 today which caused me to get sent in. Looks like school tomorrow is not happening. Jackson and Sean are in the dark about this I just got home and realized I need a blog and this is perfect to show our journey. As the looks of it filming Sunday is fleeing away. If I have the energy to tomorrow I will make needed calls. I want to help my group but my health may not let me. I want to ask them to move to film. But if they cannot I'll help make an order they film without me. Jackson's brother is a maybe. Or even anyone works but we need to find them fast. I know we have a due date but asking for an extension is a maybe as I cannot control my hospital visits. This is all up in the air. Yet I feel bad for my group as my health is dragging them down...