The Websites development!

  Hey guys it's Sean. Today I am proud to say that our website is underway! This has taken up the past 48 hours of my life and I actually feel proud of it. I've never made a website but this class is all about learning new things. I've made a variety of tabs to show our film. We have our meet the cast showing everyone involved. We have the About section giving a synopsis of the film. The release info shows off our showing schedule along with where you can watch it. Our contact page is where we can be contacted for inquiries and questions. And our news & more page shows awards and film festivals we have been a part of. All that is left is the postcard! The Instagram page is posting and creating a presence. And our editing is in its final edits and title placement. Sean and Jackson could not have done a better job. This is one of the last AICE classes I'll be taking being my last year at this school. We are at the point where everything is coming up nicely. It happens every year with these projects. Up until the very end, I was all stressed out from this project but in the end, it figured itself out. That's all for now guys I'll see you later with our final project. Bye guys, until Friday!


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