Filming blog; capturing the scenes


    Well, we finally did it. Jack and I got together Friday and finished. I had to pick up Jack; in the meantime, my parents moved their cars for our outdoor scenes. We started with all outside shots, getting them done so the cars could be returned. I forgot about my dogs getting in the way of filming but luckily my parents could take them on walks so I had silence for the scenes with noise. For the others they could sit in my mom's room as the noise didn't matter we just couldn't have them walking around in shots. First, we began with room shots. Jack got dressed laid down and we set the alarm. It went great on the first try. But for the next one Jack said I'm late as he looked at his phone but with the phone on we couldn't put a title on it. As the director, I chose to improvise and we turned the phone to the right and made sure the screen was black so it could be edited. Next we had our first hallway scene which only took 2 takes as we didn't shut the door properly. The hardest scene had to have been the bathroom scene as we don't have professional equipment the angle I had to film from was difficult as we can't just cut a hole in a mirror to put a camera like in actual movies. Next we had the scene of Jack eating which in my opinion looked the best of how crisp it looked. And the last scene was the walk around the house showing names until showing jacks confusion. As far as I thought we were done and we sat down looked at the videos and saw them. I thought they could be better. Jack said I was just being a perfectionist and they are good to proceed with. But it was all done. We have our outside scenes to cut to our song was approved for fair use and the scenes looked great. I left my camera to download the videos so we can begin editing and Jack and I went to Chipotle.


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