Reshoot blog; additional scene

    Well, we thought it was done. I was looking at the scenes at school and noticed something was off. We forgot to film one scene with a reverse shot. Jack and I then decide on PSD since we leave school early we will film it fast. I got Jack and right after we went to my house. He brought the exact same outfit and changed into it. We took 2 shots of Jack and the ends of a hallway which we need to edit into a reverse shot. The scene took a total of 10 minutes and it was upsetting. We needed extra time and this fits perfectly with the script as he is hallucinating. But it's my fault as when we were filming I forgot about it. Nothing I can do now but we should be done. We then viewed every scene to make sure we didn't have to film again. Some scenes looked off but Jack didn't have the other outfit he needed so we will make it work. We checked over the song and it all worked out. We informed Brianna as she couldn't come this time either and she said it looks good. Now it is in her hands to edit it and make sure everything looks crisp. Time is running out so now we just have to edit and peer-review it. Only a few blogs remain but this is all taking shape. It may not be the best but in the end we are not a real movie studio this is just to test what we know. I feel like it has shown growth from past projects for sure.


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