Film peer review

    Hey guys, so the filming and editing is finally over. We fixed the titles and changed the order and now the final product. I'll be having my friend Quinn peer review it as she doesn't live too far. She liked the music and the script but a complaint was the titles. She didn't understand why they were white and covered half the screen in some parts. I do agree but Brianna edited and said how good it looks and I want everyone to have a voice on the final product. I agree with Quinn they could be changed ad they didn't go with the plan but at this point it's final. Besides that she loved how it went together and the song choice. It showed a story in less than 2 minutes and I do agree. It was a pop song from the '80s. she was surprised by how well the song fits our film. That song has to be my favorite take on the video. I do believe this has shown growth in our films yet it could be better. Quinn thinks I am nitpicking and it looks good overall. But the titles are the only critique she gave. She loved the shots which felt great as I was unsure of them. I am feeling much better about this now having feedback. The final task is very hands-on and on your own so I was worried. I ask dumb questions but now we went into the deep end. I now have better respect and understanding of this class and Quinn helped give us insight.


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