A recap


    So tomorrow jack and I will film. This headache comes to a close and we get it over with so I am going to make a summary. The song we will use playing over our intro will be the logical song. A canon dslr rebel 3 camera will be used. The song ends perfectly at 2 minutes with a trumpet solo playing which lets us end it and roll in the black screen. The first shot will be an establishing shot of the house, my house which is where we are filming. It will then fade IN to a shot of jack in bed. It will be a high-angle shot of jack waking up and hitting his alarm and he yawns, the studio's name comes on the screen and disappears with our title design. The camera will then pan to show the alarm clock. The digetic sound of the alarm clock will go off. This time A low angle on jack happens and he says I'm late, then pans down to his phone which has the production company on it, The music now fades in. Jack will be seen shutting the bathroom door with the actor's name on it, then the shot dissolves into Jack in the bathroom getting ready with a medium shot of jack brushing his hair and washing his face. An over-the-shoulder shot of an empty neighborhood is transitioned into, showing how barren it is as well as having the title of the film down the road, which fades away with our title design. It fades into a long shot of jack walking down the empty house to go eat breakfast, on the door it says music by Supertramp. He sits down to eat cereal and as he eats he keeps looking around in confusion. On his cereal bowl, it has been edited by Briana Jimenez.  After jack finishes the camera follows jack looking around the house. On a wall, it is going to say produced by sean halfpenny. Later it will cut by a corner and say story by Brianna Jimenez. Jack will then stop in a hall and look forward and reverse shot to himself looking back at him, Its just his imagination. Eventually he stops and the camera tilts up to show his face and emotion is shed that no one is here. A pov shot walks outside and looks back at the front door saying written by  Sean halfpenny. The camera does a 360 look back says directed by Sean halfpenny, and a sound effect of lights turning off happens. And fades to black concluding it. This script was heavily tweaked as at the beginning Brianna did it wrong and only jack is acting now. 


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