Time is against us.


    Well, that's a wrap on the plans. We wished to film this weekend and bet ahead of the game but Brianna and I have work. Next weekend I'm going on my annual church retreat so I’ll be gone from Friday to Sunday. Brianna can't film for the next 3 weekends, but I can begin the shots alone as some are just clips of my neighborhood. Jack doesn't tell us much but I know he has baseball but since he lives closer to me him filming is easier. But for Brianna it’s a full-day commitment that's why her work schedule is so vital. We aren't sure when we'll reschedule. Hopefully soon though because we have deadlines to meet. I am extremely worried about how this will be resolved. However, I know that we can figure this out. We need to find a day when we are all free. I’ll try to begin shooting over spring break and see what I can do as we have to get ahead of the game. The due date is approaching faster than you think as March is already halfway over and exams are on the way. This class has an AICE test to prep for so the sooner we knock this out the better. Spring break will be a chance but also tough to film an empty area in south Florida during spring break. We want to have fun in the sun but this comes first. Picking up jack is fine but without randy, Brianna is now more alone. I'm a tad stressed about it but we will work around it and get it done. Each video has caused this and at this point, we are more used to it. One day it will be done, one day.


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