
     Hey guys, this is going to be my final blog before filming. Unfortunately, the girls cannot film, and jack will be in the main role. I as well have a DSLR camera which we will use to film. It's a tad more advanced than an iPhone, but the quality will improve. The scenes will be the same along with our storyboard with cutaway shots showing the outside surroundings. An additional shot I am adding will be an establishing shot of the house, which then will cut to jack and the introduction. Between each set of main scenes, the film will cut outside to show a barren neighborhood with non-diegetic sound in the background. The goal this accomplishes will give the viewer a grasp of what's going on without spoiling it for the character. I'm currently looking for a song we can use in part that fits the tone of the film. At the time I found The logical song by Supertramp yet a small issue is the record label that owns the rights to the song has been dissolved. I plan to figure out who I have to email to ask for permission and if in time a response is not given ill simply find a song in the public domain. I don't feel a remix would fit the vibe we are making but an older true song with piano vocals and saxophone is the goal I am looking for. I've sent the song and the timepoint of 2.55 which I wish to use it for them to listen and give feedback. We have 15 days to film edit and get permission but we do have some advantages. Our film's sullen tone fits a vast spread of songs we can access if needed. I hope they are both in class tomorrow because I am a little frustrated with Brianna as she is the only one not flexible as she just got a job and won't take a day off to film and wouldn't let me drive her after school one day to film. But Jack has been great and he will be there to film. Brianna will edit and it will be her only job. I'll be the director but she will be the producer. Jack will be a part of the costumes and props and the rest will be decided. Next class more will be decided but ill be sure to make an update on Saturday prior to filming.


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