The new plan...for now


    Well, here we have it. In class we discussed it and jack and I will film this Sunday at my house. We will have 2 people come in from out of our group to act, Onara and Quinn. The goal is to film at 1pm giving us avid time to film. We have my whole house and neighborhood for outside shots. I plan to finalize the shots next blog and have a set plan for the day. We also must set aside time to take into account to review how it looks. I hope it works out as over spring break I was bitten by a water moccasin. I ended up in the hospital and I'm fine now but I was unable to film and communicate for some time. Im all better now and ready to film but it all worked out and now we have a plan set in motion. Quinn lives nearby so if needed we can call her to film when needed. I know Brianna cant but she has the job of editing over 3 weeks so it will work out. Giving us time to review and for me to browse over the edit. Our final project is underway and should be right on track. Cambridge exams begin in 3 weeks so getting this done grants us more time to study for the other part of the AICE media exam. April 14th is approaching so 3 weeks until it's all said and done. God forbid it does not go our way and Quinn can't make it I can ask someone close by pick them up and film. It is going to get done one way or another and Jack is still the best friend. All we have left is deciding to use my DSLR camera the iPhone or a camera from the class. I'll check the quality and have it all finalized Thursday, Until then!


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