A slight Interjection


    Well, that was fast, its time for the first production blog of this task. We just did our storyboard and Brianna did a great job with it. Yet to add more interjections I had the pitch to add cutaways from the main scene to show the barren neighborhood. We want to show the entire place not just the opening sequence. It's a narrow window of time but at the same time, we need extra film. having too little is an issue but too much can be cut down. Showing a barren area with an item rolling across the screen catches what we need. like the stereotypical tumbleweed to show a deserted town. Its iconic and gets the point across at the same time. Over time our storyboard may change but this was one right off he bat. I am filming so I have subtle ideas I wish to include which we can film and then decide later to include. The goal is I have about a month to edit and decide and jack and Brianna can help when needed. But times will be stressful as AICE exams start in 30 days. 

The school year has flown by, but this project is at a snail's pace. Jack and Brianna being the main actors now that randy is gone present challenges as all members must be present to film. But that's why I believe interjection scenes will be great as they allow us to film something and make progress if someone bails.

Brianna lives far and just got a new job which will make times tough to get around so filming compromises can be made. Getting different clips from all 3 of our neighborhoods is an idea to add diversity and accommodate all members. I can pick up jack and we can drive to Brianna when needed and get the best of both worlds. Our task is going to be a cutaway mash-up and include a shock start to someone's morning.


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