The life of Titles

To start I am researching how my titles should look and appear. I sat down and googled about titles and came to 2 great websites. 

The first one is to watch the titles, We are researching this website to get an idea of how opening sequences look. This website provides us with access to a lot of opening sequences. Especially from the genre of coming of age setting titles sets a tone and story. We can see how titles are used in these sequences. Then we can apply this to our film. The opening sequence is our final project. And title design is crucial. So, getting ideas and examples from this website is very useful. We will refer to this if we need ideas on how to design our titles.

The second one was We are researching this website to focus more on the titles themselves. This website focuses more on the titles themselves. It also goes into detail on the music choices. This website gives more information and opinions on the titles. Going into detail and even ranking them. This website will be very useful to us. Similarly, to the previous website, it gives us an outlet to see how we should format our titles. We like the fact that it gives feedback and opinions on the sequences and what specifically makes them good. Overall, these two websites will aid us in completing our final sequence.


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