A slight group change...

Hey guys welcome back, so everything is going to be a little different. The group still consists of Brianna, Jack, and me. Yet randy is no longer with us. We were bummed to see him go but he decided to work with a new group for the final task. Nothing will change much and now we won't worry about his car troubles. Everyone is on great terms yet now one of us is going to take over the role of drawing the storyboard. Randy was incredibly talented. But my job will be filming and editing. Brianna will act and edit. and Jack will act and help plan the script. These past few projects have taught us mistakes so now we put it all together for this task. Everyone is going to have a bit more work without him. But we asked randy if he could teach one of us how to draw as he has been the main storyboard writer. I would envision the shots and he would draw them out. Filming may be a bit different as Brianna is a far way away from jack and I. But randy cant pick her up anymore. But we can go film by Brianna or her parents can drive her. Everything is fine we just have some workarounds. Randy will be missed he was a key player in our first 2 projects. But he bites the dust now as randy is no more.


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