Tomorrow is the day, this film will be finished. The shots are ready, rides are arranged and the camera is ready. I am ready for this project to be behind me and focus on the final task. Since our ccr is our midterm it makes things a bit better, but after I film and Brianna edits this semester is a wrap. Since it is a long driver and needs the highway I'm getting a ride from my family and picking up jack. Since the drive home is a bit over an hour they will just find something to do in the area. I hope to finish filing at 8 so I'm home before 10 as the next day I do have work. But as this project has shown me I cannot bank on anything so I'm not expecting to be home early. 12 shots with transitions shouldn't take too long but its best to have extra film than not enough. In the beginning, we have to be fast dealing with the sun. We made the same mistake with our beach commercial but we did it once and it can be done again. As Christmas is around the corner it will be a bit busy. But people in the back for some shots and timing ti right everything will work out. This all seems to work on paper and I have my parents to thank for it all. My brother just got back from college and he is coming with us to give my family company while they wait for us to film. They could have easily said no and Santa would be out the window. Fair season is ending which means it was not the brightest idea to choose one to film, but it's already done. Doral is far but id rather pass this class. All these issues have given me high expectations for the final result. Only time will tell and in less than 24 hours I will know.


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