Cant Break Our stride!

 Today is the day, thsi project is on the final step. The black circle was removed and we slowed down a shot to hit the time. After all that panicking and misfortune, we can see the finish line. Next is just the ccr which also counts as our midterm. All the complications and we finished strong. From car malfunctions to covid this project has been a rollercoaster. It is not done just yet but the finishing touches should just make it all that better. The time was close but we ended up getting it right. And no matter how awkward it felt to film it looked good in the end. However, we need to stop doing time-sensitive filming as it is a pain each time. The sunset in Florida is beautiful but it added complications like after the sun sets. Jack stepped up and took the main role, saving it all. and randys editing took the weight off Me and Brianna as she acted all day and I planned shots, storyboarded, and filmed. Everyone did their part and it's all on the way up. The original plan was jack would just be a friend but he became the one on the date. In prices too he helped. Jack and I split the price of food and games as they were props and I paid for Brianna's ticket as she had something going on. We all had each other's back and now we can show it off. 

I was worried about this all but its turning out ok. Covid and car trouble cant break our stride, this project is getting finished.


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