3005 CCR

 1. The music video represents teenagers hanging out in the holidays and going out. It shows Brianna and jack going out to a fair and having a good time. Teenagers are social and are always out of the house and this video captures it perfectly. In today's society, people act differently, but this portrays a stereotypical event for teens. It shows them enjoying life and living in the moment relaxing. For teens, the holidays can have some stress with midterms as an obstacle. Yet the video does not capture issues, the group is covers is more young people enjoying the time while it lasts.

2. The genre of music flows best with teenagers and college students. Winter break is highly anticipated for most as it's a time to relax and spend time with friends and family. The audience for the product is people just like the ones in the video. The social group of teenagers is very diverse but at heart, they all want to enjoy a vacation. Since Jack and Brianna are on break they take a trip down to a fair called Santa's enchanted forest. And the song hits the target and theme by it being about having fun at a fair. It targets students exited for a break and ready to have fun and can be distributed in the month of December or even November due to Thanksgiving break.

3. Throughout this project, our production went through many ups and downs but turned positive. Randy acted as the editor and we learned the art of transitions. I filmed and I made progress in learning how to make it able to cut away after a shot. I found that dashing the camera in a direction is easy to edit together and make a fluid product. I am always the filmer yet in this case due to randy missing the shoot he decided to do it so we all are involved. It was tough at first since I'm not doing both but working together we found a style that fits. This film taught me how you must be ready for anything and to adapt. I had to use different angles I've never used and in the end, I think everything flowed and the product came out well. I thought filming always had to be a straight plan but here I learned to make the best of it and to make quick decisions when put on the spot. Directing is a challenge but I feel it prepared me to brace for the final task.

4. In this film we still used the same technology. The camera was an iPhone 12 set to 4k 60fps with a gimble to stabilize. Recently I upgraded to the 14 pro with 4k 120 fps which I will love to test next project. It was stored on my phone and then emailed to randy which he used an iPad to edit. I am not familiar with what he used as I've only edited on PC but it has all the capabilities that we needed. Apple is so great to make a scene more appealing we added contrast to make the sunset pop. But the main star has to have been the editing software. Being able to blend the scenes in unison and tweak images as needed just makes it that much better. The last project we lacked transitions but fades and slide-overs allow us to clip it without it looking choppy. 


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