The group returns!
Hey, it's sean again, today we start the first step of our first task. I will be making a music with a group of 4 people in total. I will be working with the other Aice media students in my class Brianna, Jack, and Randy.
We all previously worked on a commercial and have gotten to know one another quite well. I will film and edit along with Brianna. Right now we have not finalized an idea but it is in the works. still, I like working alone yet this task requires a little acting. And since my strong suit is filming a group actually works out. I trust everyone to do their part and know it is our best work. Randy and I can both drive which can make production easier yet distance was a struggle. However, with proper planning, we can get over it. Right now I cant pick a song but I think a Christmas song is perfect. While Brianna wants bad bunny and this is the part of groups I dread. I do not want to fight and argue over a song for a class project but people all want different things.
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