The Last stretch


Hey guys it's sean for the final production blog for the Coca-cola Commercial.  This has been super stressful but we are in the home stretch. I filmed, Jack and Randy acted, I supplied the props, and Brianna edited. Now it is out of my hands and up to her to edit. All scenes have been filmed and the editing is underway. Brianna was the main editor and made last-minute changes in the background music to not just be normal beach sounds. But to find out the replacement you are just going to have to watch our video. I am very thankful for Brianna as originally I was supposed to edit but since she went to a debate tournament and missed filing day she took the job. I had my hands full with a Chemistry class I'm struggling in and her taking it allowed me to focus on bringing my grade up. We were given an extension on the work due to the circumstances at our school yet we want to finish before the original deadline. I am a stressful person and when it is finally done then I will take my foot off the gas and relax. If assistance is needed I'm more than happy to help Brianna. I love to edit but my plate was full and she took the load. But now I'm back on track with my grades and it's all hands on deck to finish. Time may be a slight issue as at first, we thought we would be short. But come to the end of it 30 seconds is not a lot of time and the scenes unedited are almost 50 seconds. However, when producing and filming we intentionally gave extra time so it could be clipped together better. We will do a final check of the video when it is finished to see if it is good to submit. The first quarter of school comes to a close next week and so does this. And if I'm being honest I can't wait for it to be over.


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