Planning for my Coke commercial


 Hi everyone! I'm Sean and I'm going to tell you about what we're planning for our commercial. 


Since we've agreed to do a Coca Cola commercial our main prop is going to be a Coca Cola can. Since we're shooting a beach we'll be using:

  • Volley Ball

  • Cooler

  • Car

  • Coca Cola Cans

  • Beach towel

  • Ice bag


In our commercial, we'll have 2 main subjects, Randy and Jack. Our actors will wear beach attire. They wear swimming trunks or regular shorts. A regular tee shirt or tank top. Preferably with light and vibrant colors. They could wet their hair in the ocean to fit the beach day look. However, if they're hair covers their face we could have our actors wear a headband. Last resort would be to have them tie their hair into a ponytail. For shoes they could either stay barefoot or wear sandals.


On 9/30/22, our group research conventions blog was completed for the commercial.

On 10/4/22, our group completed the planning blog to establish the props, schedule, location list, and backup plans.

On 10/7/22, our group will complete the final storyboard for our 30 second commercial. 

On 10/8/22, our group will film our commercial to record the necessary shots needed for the commercial.

From 10/9/22 to 10/14/22 we will edit and add the final touches to our commercial. 

Location List:

Our main location is Fort Lauderdale Beach. We want to use a volleyball court that's already on the sand. We want to film our actors playing volleyball and then drinking Coca Cola since their at the beach. For the first scene though we will use the parking lot to show us getting out of the car. 

Backup Plan:

If the weather isn't the way we want we will reschedule filming. If not we will modify the plan.



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