Production complications

Hey guys, it's sean again and our commercial production has not been the smoothest.

This week was rough for Everyone. This past week our school had a suicide which has been affecting everyone. We were taken by shock and it just left people speechless. Our filming date to October 8th at 6pm at the beach. I am set to film and since Brianna has a debate tournament she will be the editor as Randy and Jack our actors.

Sadly since we live in Florida weather always changes. If it is too windy and it is raining filming will be pushed to a later date. We are high school students and only 2 of us can drive which makes meeting a struggle during the week. Next Friday is the due date so we have to go all in and try to finish.

I will be supplying the props of the Coke, cooler, Ice, and volleyball. Randy has a job that made us decide on no costumes as he gets out and is working right next to where we are set to film.

I decided that scene 5 will now be a bird's eye view shot with him grabbing the drink. We want coke to be the key focus that a bird's eye will accomplish. Sounds will be added after with beach sounds playing up until the coke opens where we add a pop, and then the iconic sound of "Ahh".

The filming spot is outside so we must control that, so I plan to arrive a bit early to clean up and set up so filming can get underway. At 7 sunsets so it may be a tiny time crunch but we will make it work. The closer to sunset the final shot is the better as the vision is drinking it in front of the water as the sky is shading.

We hope everything goes our way so we have time to edit and make final touches. Next time we have to be more organized so we do not end up on a crunch like this.


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