Coca Cola CCR

1.     1. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues? Our commercial has the same key elements and iconic parts of a coke commercial people remember. It has beach elements, music, and even the pop sound from opening the can. It is not a mimic of a commercial but a fusion of the ideas we liked the most. Our commercial does not specifically represent any social groups or issues

2. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text? It engages with the audience by showing a good time at the beach with coke being at the center. It influences people who go to the beach who would want coke to go with it. And represents that coke is a good product to bring to the beach. Our product would be a Television commercial that airs on a cycle to get mass exposure. Youtube as well is a viable option to get to a mass amount of people.




3.   3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project? This product helped us tune our skills in acting and the aspects of filming. We learned how much natural sunlight matters as when working outside you have limited time and working around sunset is even harder. As well it taught us how to actually implement camera angles and shots to display what is going on. Editing skills improved as we get more familiar with the system after each project.



 4. How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware, and online – in this project? For filming the project we used an iPhone 12 as it has great camera quality and is a basic item, with no need for a filming camera. We used a tripod gimble to hold the phone to get shots and angles that it would be hard for hands to stabilize. in the bird's eye view holding it directly flat would be tough, but the gimble centers it and holds it in place. We used editing software to cut and clip everything together and assemble it to flow.




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