Beach day filming

    Hey guys its sean again, this weekend my group and I filmied and filming was my job. Saturday was the first day of production and I would be lying if I said it didn't start out rough. We knew we were on a time crunch because Randy one of our actors had to leave. The first shot went perfectly being just a walk up setting. Yet on the second we had a small argument, they disagreed with a canted shot and would have rather done a pan but I directed it and we had to stick with it. Next for the music video, we will have to all think before time. But the third shot took some practice as we needed a volley to happen. None of us played volleyball so it was a struggle and randy had limited time. Eventually we got it done but still had half to go. Due to time, we had to skip the POV shot as randy had limited time. The final 2 shots were randy stumbling upon the coke and drinking it at sunset which was perfect at the time. It was my favorite shot but the sun was about to set and it would be too dark to film. The POV had to go perfectly as the ball would roll into the cooler but jack kept missing. So I rolled the ball and finally, we got it right. Filming took almost an hour and at first, was looking gloomy. But in the end, it all worked out and we finished. I was worried since Brianna could not come due to debate and I have never worked with Randy but we finished and now Brianna and I can edit. Dealing with weather and time crunches showed me how you have to be ready for everything as it was raining half an hour before we filmed and if we cancelled I do not know when we could do it. All in all we struggled to film and could have done a few a bit better but for a first film it was something we could be proud of. Now its all down to editing which Brianna and I will do.


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