Group blog: The first batch

    Hey, it's sean again, today we start the first step of our first task. I will be making a commercial with a group of 4 people in total. I will be working with the other Aice media students in my class Brianna, Jack, and Randy. 

Normally I like working alone yet this task requires a little acting. Now that is a task I have no skill at and with guidance I will slowly start acting. But with this being the first assignment a group is the best option. Working with a group may be difficult as since I am 16 im the only one who can drive to film. My group lives scattered around with one living in Hollywood and one in sunrise while im over in fort Lauderdale. At the moment I dont have a suggestion for our project but my expertice is in editing and filming which goes along with any suggested idea. This will be a test and depending on how it goes ill have to rethink for my other tasks. Group members are everything when it comes to producing decent quality work. Everyone has their own segment and without one another it wont be complete.

I have never been very fond of working in a group but since I have no clue about acting I guess it is time to start. The class is very hands-off and self-paced which is why I have a hard time working with other people. I'm very organized and likes to always get work done so I can relax. But when you are in groups you rely on other people. It does have its benefits as it separates the workload among more people. But Brianna, Jack, Randy, and I could not be more different from one another so it looks like we all have our jobs cut out. Jack and Brianna I met last year and they are hard workers and we can all have a good time. But I just met Randy but Brianna trusts to work with him so I will too.


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